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Acorn Class


Welcome to Acorn Class 2024-25

"We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you."


Each day, the children have lots of opportunities to explore, imagine, create and learn through their own play as well as time with an adult to learn new skills and knowledge and apply these through practical play based activities. Wherever possible our planning will take account of the children's developing interests.

We want to encourage the children to become independent learners and thinkers.

The children's learning is focused around the three prime areas and four specific areas of the Early Learning Curriculum.

These are:

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.


Spring Term 2025

Welcome back. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.

This term, the children shall be learning about our topic 'Fire and Water'. Please find the topic web below for more detail about our exciting learning this term.



Autumn Term 2024

We hope you all had a relaxing summer holiday and are refreshed and ready to start learning.

This term we have lots of exciting activities and experiences for you. Have a look at this term's topic web which will give you more detail.


Summer Term 2024

Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday.

This term, the children shall be learning about our topic 'Our World'. Please find the topic web for the Summer Term below.

Summer Term Topic Web - Our World


Spring Term 2024

Happy New Year. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday.

During the Spring Term we shall be learning about our topic 'Dinosaurs and Dragons, with lots of exciting, fun-filled learning in store. Please find the topic web for the Spring Term below.

Spring 2024 Topic Web - Dinosaurs and Dragons

Useful resources and links

Little Wandle Phonics - information for parents

Please also see the phonics page on our website for more information on how phonics is taught at Meavy.

Link to Numbots website

Look at what we have been learning

Making our own playdough

Observational drawings in science