Our Churches

Both the churches of St Peter (Meavy) and St Mary (Walkhampton) play a key role in the life of the West Dartmoor Federation. We worship in the church regularly at different festivals such as Harvest and Christmas. Children also visit the Churches during their topic work.

Father Andrew is a regular and popular visitor to our schools leading Collective Worship weekly. He is also on the governing body and works with the staff to support them in different aspects of school life including the delivery of Religious Education lessons and PSHE and the Christian ethos of the two schools.

For the key Christian festivals; Harvest, Christmas and Easter, we have distinctive services. Parents and the community are always welcome to join us at these services. In particular, at Christmas, we hold a very special Christingle and Carols Service. Members of the local churches go into both schools to help make the Christingles for the service. We are very proud of the singing in our schools and the services held in church are a chance to show off our talents.