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The School Day

Opening hours

Our school day runs from 8.45am to 3.15pm with doors opening for a soft start from 8.35am.

Compulsory Weekly Time in School 32.50 hours

Start & finish routines

Doors will be open from 8.35-8.45am allowing for a ten-minute window in which the children can arrive.

The doors will be closed at 8.45am and registers taken.

All children to come into school via the Oak Door

If parents arrive after this time we ask that they accompany their child to reception. 

The day ends at 3.15pm after an act of collective worship. This gives us a reflective end to the day when everyone gathers together before going home. The children will then be taken out onto the playground where their parents and carers can collect them.

If parents are going to be late for any reason, we ask that they please phone ahead. 

We ask parents and carers to inform the school office if someone different is going to be collecting their child and we would ask for a password to be provided if it was someone new.