
Welcome to Meavy's attendance page.

At Meavy we actively promote and encourage good attendance at school. Pupils need to be on time and in school every day to reach their full potential.

Attending school is essential for students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Our school works in partnership with parents to improve school attendance. 

Why does good school attendance matter?

Regular and punctual school attendance is essential to supporting a child or young person to flourish, fulfil their potential and enables them to:

  • learn
  • make and manage friendships
  • develop new skills
  • have fun
  • experience new things in the world around them
  • develop awareness and respect of other cultures, religion, ethnicity, and gender differences
  • build confidence and self-esteem
  • achieve and thrive with a sense of belonging to their school community
  • prioritise their well-being and happiness
  • be given the best start in life, enabling the best possible choices in their future

Out of the 365 days in a year there are only 190 teaching and learning days in a school year; it is vital children attend every day. Teachers in school work extremely hard to plan challenging learning opportunities for all children, this includes the last few days of term. We aim for 96% attendance and will keep all parents updated with our current attendance in our weekly newsletter

What can parents / carers do to help?

  • Ensure your child attends school every day and on time.
  • If your child is not well enough to attend contact the school by 9.30am on the first day of absence.
  • Try to make dental and medical appointments outside of school time or at weekends.
  • Take family holidays during the school holiday. We are unable to authorise term time holidays.
  • Contact us immediately if you need help or support with your child’s attendance or punctuality

When is my child too ill for school?

We understand that as a parent or carer, deciding whether your child is well enough for school can sometimes be challenging. Your child's health and well-being are top priorities, and we want to support you in making the best decisions for their health, as well as their education. To assist you, we’ve provided helpful guidance from the NHS on common childhood illnesses, symptoms to look out for, and when it’s best to keep your child at home. You can access this trusted advice by clicking the link below.

NHS - Is my child too ill for school?

Remember, we're here to help and support you in ensuring your child’s health and success at school.

If your child is ill it is vital that you report your child’s absence to the school office as early as possible and before 09:30am. If you do not inform school or respond to phone calls, we have a duty to report the absence to the Education Welfare Officer. Frequent absence can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life. 

If your child’s level of absence is of serious concern you will receive a letter advising you about improving attendance. After this, any further unauthorised absence may result in the School and the Local Authority taking action.

Children should arrive to school between 8.35am and 8.45am when the school gates are locked. After this time, your child will need to enter via the school reception accompanied by an adult where the reason for lateness is recorded. Lateness can cause embarrassment for the child entering class late and does mean that they miss out on initial settling in and the start of some learning.


Useful Information

Devon's attendance advice and guidance for parents and carers: Attendance matters

Meavy C of E Primary School Attendance Policy