Keeping Your Details Up to Date

SIMS Parent  

As a school, we use SIMS Parent to collect, manage and handle key information about your child. This puts you in control and makes sure the data we hold is accurate and up to date. This replaces the old Data Collection Forms previously sent home by post.  

Available on iOS, Android and via browser ( SIMS Parent provides a convenient and accessible solution for you to electronically review and request changes to the data held on you and your children. You will be able to provide additional information on crucial details such as medical information or dietary requirements. When a change request is submitted by you, an alert is sent to the school office. Our pupil services team will review requests and update our pupil database. From time to time, we will send notifications to remind you to update your child’s details or parental consents, eliminating paper-based data collection and manual errors.

Getting Started 

We’ve attached a brief guide to how to register.

We will send an activation email to your home email address. Simply click on the link from your tablet, pc, or smartphone to activate your account. You can then login using your normal Facebook, Twitter, Google or Microsoft username and password. Please don’t choose the option to create a SIMS ID.  

Please note that your activation email is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else. Your activation email will expire after 14 days if it is not used, please contact the school office if you require a replacement after this date. 

If you have children at different schools within St Christopher’s Multi Academy Trust, you will be able to see all children within the app if you have registered with the same email account. The app allows users to change school once inside SIMS Parent, from a drop-down menu located next to the school's name in the top right-hand corner of the page. 

Important information about your privacy 

If you live at the same address as your child’s other parent/carer, you will be able to see and edit their contact details, and the contact details of your emergency contacts. 

If you do not live at the same address as the other parent/carer with Parental Responsibility, you will only be able to see Contact Information (name, Parental responsibility status and contact priority status) for them unless you give us express permission to share your details with them. You will need to contact the school office if you are happy for us to share those details.  

Third party emergency contacts will still be visible to all parents/carers. It is your responsibility to confirm your emergency contacts are happy for their information to be stored by us and shared. If you do not want their details to be disclosed, please contact the school office. 

To find out more, please see below. 

Important Information about the menu options 

Pupil Information – this contains basic information such as your child’s name, preferred name, and date of birth. 

Address – this is your child’s home address. You can add an additional address e.g., if your child lives with both parents 

Telephones and Emails – this is your child’s home number. Please DO NOT add an email address for your child here. 

Medical Details – this includes information such as medical practice, medical conditions, and any disabilities. There is a drop-down list of medical practices and conditions, but you can add a new one if your child’s details are different. 

Cultural Information – Your child’s first language is collected for all pupils and records the language as stated by the parent / guardian or child. This information is used for funding. Ethnicity is collected for all pupils and records the ethnicity as stated by the parent / guardian or pupil. It is not ascribed by the school.  

Dietary Needs – please update your child’s dietary needs here. For allergies and gluten free needs, these should be supported by a letter from a medical professional. 

Parental Consent  

There are several fields in this section: please read the following information carefully. 

School Newsletter - Included in our school newsletter, we want to send you relevant and appropriate information about fundraising events with our PTFA or other local charities, and information about local commercial or not for profit services such as holiday clubs, child-friendly activities, or other children’s services. To do this, we need your consent under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations so please be aware that by consenting, you agree to receive this information by electronic means. We will never sell your data.  

Local Off-Site Visit – from time to time, teachers may decide to visit a local building or area. Where a visit requires alternative footwear or a drink, we would normally advise you of this through School Comms, however, for short-duration, local visits, this consent acts as your permission for your child to participate in the activity. 

Personal Care – either alongside your child’s Educational Health Care Plan, or because accidents happen, it may be necessary to support your child with changing and cleaning themselves when they have soiled or wet themselves. We are only able to do this with your consent. 

Pupil Names and Images in Media  

It’s great to celebrate the achievements and hard work of our pupils. We will use photos, videos, and names in publicly available media where you give us consent to do so. This will include the school and trust websites, published newsletters and the school prospectus and other school and trust promotional material. This includes school and trust social media postings. Please note that websites [and social media platforms] can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. In giving your consent you understand that images may be used in printed and electronic form. We have split out our consents to be clear and unambiguous.  

  • Pupil photographs in all media 

  • Pupil videos in all media  

  • Pupil names in all media

Sale of Group/ Individual Photos

By ticking consent, you agree to allow your child to be photographed with their class/group/team and that these photographs will be offered for sale to you and other parents.  


Please ensure that the contact information for your child is accurate and up to date. You will be able to see your own Contact Information, Address and Telephone/Email and that of your third-party contacts.  

To meet our statutory Safeguarding duties, you must provide at least two contacts for your child. 

Information about your privacy 

If you live at the same address as your child’s other parent/carer, you will be able to see and edit their contact details, and the contact details of your emergency contacts. 

If you do not live at the same address as the other parent/carer with Parental Responsibility, you will only be able to see Contact Information (name, Parental responsibility status and contact priority status) for them unless you give us express permission to share your details with them. You will need to contact the school office if you are happy for us to share those details.  

Third party emergency contacts will still be visible to all parents/carers. It is your responsibility to confirm your emergency contacts are happy for their information to be stored by us and shared. If you do not want their details to be disclosed, please contact the school office. 

Parental Responsibility – Please ensure that the Parental Responsibility slider bar is set correctly. This is usually the mother and father, but would not normally include grandparents, neighbours, friends, or other family members. For a definition of Parental Responsibility please see the following guidelines .

Priority Contact

To meet our statutory Safeguarding duties, you must provide at least two contacts for your child.  

Where possible, please include one Priority 1, and one Priority 2 contact. Having multiple priority 1 contacts can be confusing and misleading in the event of an emergency, and we will always contact the next priority person if we cannot reach the first person.

Local Contacts

Where possible, the contacts should be local and accessible. A contact in Derbyshire or Dundee is not best placed to help if your child is unwell. 

Telephone Numbers – Please ensure you give us the contact numbers that you are most likely to have access to. Please do not give a work number if we cannot reach you on this number, or a mobile if you are never in range. Please ensure the slider bar is checked for your primary (main) contact number as we use this to reach you if your child is unwell. 

For information about the Privacy of SIMS Parent please click here 

Parent Lite Guide